studying + breaking down verses // SPECK method
My bible study's study for the past couple of weeks have been on looking at one verse, for a specific topic, each day. I don't often break down a single verse by itself, so at first I found it difficult; I struggled with going beyond surface level and getting deeper material out of it. I told one of my friends about this and she shared this method with me (s/o Anna Grace!!!) and I've found it so helpful!! It's called SPECK and I've outlined it below
S; sins to avoid
P; promises He's given
E; examples to follow (what character trait do you want to exhibit)
C; commands to obey
K; knowledge you learned about God's character
Sometime I skip C because it can become repetitive of S, but if in the verse it specifically says a command to obey then I make sure to make a note of it!! Here's an example of it with Ezekiel 36:25!
"I will sprinkle clean water on you and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your impurities and from all your idols. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws "
This will look different to everyone, you can go as deep as you want, but my perspective on this verse with SPECK is
S; impurities and idols we put in front of our relationship with the Lord
P; His Spirit within us and a new heart obedient to His decrees
E; desire holy things and prioritize these
C; keep His laws
K; His Spirit within me is all I need to rely on, nothing I can do or say on my own!!