
the love of God + fear of money

by - August 26, 2017

Sorry I haven't posted in a minute;I've been so busy lately with school starting...but I mentioned in this post the Lord has taught me a lot about idolizing . These past 2 semesters I've been struggling with what my purpose is (career wise) and the more I pray for guidance in any certain direction, the more He shows He doesn't value the securities I was searching for in a job. My biggest concern when deciding my major was  being financially set. For a while, I planed on majoring in science because of the paycheck.  While I kept trying to convince myself it wasn't wrong to prioritize, the Lord has constantly showed me it isn't a priority and I've been idolizing it. But over and over again the Lord tells us He doesn't value money like we do. Instead, he wants total devotion to HIS desires for our life no matter what the paycheck is (or isn't).
"for where your treasures are, there your hearts will be also"
- Matthew 6:21
what you spend your money on shows what you treasure.  Our hearts shouldn't be focused on "treasures" of this earth, but treasures already set aside for us in heaven. We should worship and glorify the Lord through our giving which HE has given us!

// application //
before you spend ANY of your paycheck, tithe!
God calls us to be obedient through giving back a small portion of our paycheck. When we continually give, it sets our focus on eternity and allows us to serve and make sure our hearts are right.

go beyond the "10% rule"
find a charity, local organization, or someone who needs it to give to each time you get your paycheck!! This doesn't have to be anything big, but this allows us to give our money in ways we care about and can see work in our daily lives (especially if you give to someone you know for their mission trip, mission, etc). This also steers our hearts to have compassion for those around us and those in need.

examine yourself
I have to do this to make sure I'm still not idolizing money and that my heart is aligned with His will to be obedient through tithing. I think it's good to examine ourselves daily. It's easy to get caught up in earthly possessions and values, but we need to make sure our one priority is the Lord. "Don't always assume you're on good soil" - Francis Chan.

So instead of loving  money we should fear what it does to us. When we focus on earthly possessions, we put our security, comfort, and satisfaction in us and things around us. Instead let's focus on eternity and serving Him, not money.

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